Sunday, February 20, 2011

Rain, rain, go away.

It's been raining here quite a bit. There were some partly sunny sessions this past weekend, but for the most part, there has been a lot of rain and a lot of mud, or as the French call it, "la boue" (boo). Speaking of Frenchies, I did the infamous 30sec, 30sec, 60sec hill workout with one. I trounced him on the fifth set, but that's standard in the history of the French-American running rivalry. I have also learned how to say left: "à gauche", right: "droit", and straight: "droite".

Pat made sure to tell me that he and Dan are "killing" the workouts, Jared has "two" speeds, and that Tanner is "constantly frowning".

Also, Garbage, get on that twitter. ASAP

I'll post a video soon. I promise. Good luck at conference!

Sunday, February 6, 2011

The Road to Recovery

First off, I want a make a shout-out to the MSU track team for putting up a CLUTCH performance on Friday night. Looks like everyone posted some PB's or close to it. Keep up the good work!*

*Except Kevin. Listen, Kev, I know you have been sandbaggin' in workouts till the last 400m rep and then try and go toenail-to-toenail with Pat. No one is impressed, so just stop it right now. I mean it. Do the full workouts each time and then maybe by the end of the season in a super windy snowstorm when Pat isn't feelin it....THEN and only then can you show off your chops.


In other news, I have visited the Exeter Track club and jumped into a ladder workout 400m-600m-800m-800m-600m-400m. I'm not in Alistair Cragg shape, but I'm slowly but surely getting there. And wouldn't you know it, there's a Dan on the Exeter team as well. That's about as exciting as the jam on my cream tea.

On the topic of food, I will try and record a "Cooking with Uncle Seth" segment each week to show you what I'm eating over hear in GB. It isn't really a radical change from typical American food, but you guys get as excited about facebook threads as Brits do over deep-fried eggs, so I know a video of SOMETHING will get a verbose response.

So stay tuned for something later in the week. Do some sub-rattin for me too, I miss it dearly
